I’m hoping this is useful for
clients thinking of trying the 3 day Jason Vale detox – I wasn't brave enough to
do the 7 or even the 5 day juicing detox so I started off with the 3 to see if
I would lose the pounds it claimed I would and also to see if I could stand the
pace and not eat for 3 days!
I’m all for making life easy on
yourself so I downloaded the 3 day detox app for my iphone (also available on
android) – honestly the app is fantastic and probably the best app I have used
simply because it makes everything easier for you especially if you are like me
bought a juicer and not actually used it – at all!
The app gives you your ingredient
list, recipes , your juices menu for that day and helpful tips – it’s does the
hard work for you bar do the juicing.
Next thing I did using my app was
go to the supermarket – I went to Asda – I was doing the detox with a colleague
of mine so I doubled the amount – I will prepare you it costs a fortune in
fruit and veg and that was buying in Asda – I did joke with the checkout
assistant I would have been cheaper buying sweeties but mind this is your food
for three days you don’t eat anything else. I would go to Aldi or Lidl next
time to bring the cost further down but I have a feeling some of the items will
be out of season so could be pricey at some points in the year.
When you are buying your fruit/veg
and if you are working the days you are on the detox (I was) make sure you have
containers to take your juice with you to work plus a fridge or cool bag to
keep it chilled as its better when they are chilled.
I will be honest I think I pigged
out the night before because it wasn’t going to eat anything for 3 days but I
think this is quite natural or maybe not!
If you drink a lot of caffeine
like me you need to start weaning yourself off gently a week or more before you
start of you will get really bad headaches.
Got up about 6am before everyone
in the house got up – opened up app checked out the recipe for the juices of
the day and got all the ingredients out of the fridge so I was a bit organised
plus my containers and I started to juice the first recipe – I was also juicing
for my colleague too in separate containers so it was quite a bit of work and
I’m not work shy! I did each juice then put the containers to the side
and then started the next recipe – I took all the juices to work with me so my
colleague got her juice for the full day (morning noon and night) so I
had a bit more work than just doing the juice for myself as my colleague didn't have a juicer.
Juices – I must admit they were
very nice and refreshing so I can’t say I disliked any of them so taste wise
drinking the juice wasn’t a problem – it wasn’t like medicine – also at no time
was I hungry – you can also drink water in addition to the juices and some teas
if you feel hungry to fill you up.
The Bad news – the only thing I
missed through the 3 days was actually eating something – it drives you crazy!!
If you are a snacker like me at night after work you will really miss that
snack(s) – I know some people go to their bed early on this detox to stop them
eating but with two children I couldn't do that – I just had to suck it up and
ignore my teeth champing at the bit!!! It’s especially hard when you’re cooking
for your family L
Went through the app again but I
seem quicker juicing – one tip soak and clean the juicer there after use as its
harder to clean later – ringing in my ears is I have only tomorrow to go and
then it’s finished! So much for willpower!
Again all the juices were lovely
but man I miss eating!!
The good news even after one day I
said to my colleague my trousers were a better fit and she agreed after only
one day we noticed a difference so it was working!
I had a fly weigh on the scales –
I know people say not to do this but if you feel you may fall of the juicing
wagon – weigh yourself - I did and I couldn't believe I had actually lost weight!
It was worth it.
I had a small cheat a small
children’s sized Ritz cracker I gave to my oldest and I couldn't resist! It was
I was even quicker juicing today
and guess what? it’s the last day – yippee!!!
Day 4 – Its over ! Judgement Day
Well I weighed myself first thing in the morning and I lost 6
pounds not only do I feel it and can see it – it would be nice to lose another
few pounds and while I now believe after surviving the 3 days I could go onto
the 5 day or 7 day detox as I know I could cope with it as I know its short
I know a lot of people have loads
of energy on these diets when doing them but I didn’t notice a big difference
if I’m honest but everyone is different
2 months on – I have kept the 6
lbs off by watching what I eat but not starving myself so it’s not a quick fix
after all!
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