Sunday, 12 April 2020

To Shave or Not to Shave - That is the question

Today (Sunday) marks three weeks that The Wax Factor closed. We will reopen but only when the UK Government give me the OK. I deliberately purchased a lot of wax in case there were supply issues post a potential lockdown so we have plenty of wax!

I'm receiving lots of enquiries on when the salon is reopening and what to do in the meantime so my advice, if it helps is as follows :)

We don't know how long we are in lock down for but through the years of waxing these observations on waxing, hair growth etc might help make up your mind:

For optimum hair length for waxing I recommend 4 weeks - shorten than this means shorte hair and repeat waxing which is uncomfortable, broken hairs and a few left behind. Long term waxers (several years of regular monthly appointments at The Wax Factor can get away with every 6 weeks)

Longer than 6 weeks all hair will likely be removed but after 6 weeks of non waxing the hair root started to enlarge because its been so long since waxing so this can be an uncomfortable appointment.

Shaving - shaving doesn't produce an even cut of hairs - some left longer and some shorter so when you are waxed after shaving its very likely some hairs will be shorter (under waxing length) than others which means despite my best effort to remove in waxing  they will be left unwaxed

What will make your waxing more comfortable is regular exfoliation and moisturising of the waxing area - I cannot emphasise this more - before we closed lots of clients had dry skin being waxed - this is not comfortable and also needs waxed several times (really uncomfortable and bad for your skin) as the dry skin covers the hair or grabs hair for moisturise so hard to wax - so if you do anything in the lock down moisturise!

Keep safe
